The logical approach to harness Innovation
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National Advanced Manufacturing Dilemma…

The latest  White House report, titled: “A National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing”  states that “…..The acceleration of innovation for advanced manufacturing requires bridging a number of gaps in the present U.S. innovation system, particularly the gap between research and development (R&D) activities and the deployment of technological innovations in domestic production of goods…….”

To address these issues, based on a broader notion of Innovation, Infologic conducted research to develop an Innovation Agenda. This Agenda consist of three methodologies which are introduced in the following section.

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iModel™ – Innovation Management Model

In the 21st Century, the Holy Grail for the U.S. public and private organizations is Innovation. However, the Innovation Management practices are still an Art and they should be converted to a Science to ensure that it incorporates vigor, maturity matrices and discipline. The Innovation Management science-based practices are the missing link between the Innovation Hype and Reality.

This model introduces an Innovation Management model and associated matrices which will assist the public and private organizations to implement the science-based Innovation Management practices.  iModel™ has three components – (a) Innovation, (b) Strategy Platforms and (c) Analytics

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TechIP™ – Technology and Innovation Plan

The White House report, titled: “A National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing” states that “…..The acceleration of innovation for advanced manufacturing requires bridging a number of gaps in the present U.S. innovation system, particularly the gap between research and development (R&D) activities and the deployment of technological innovations in domestic production of goods…….”.

To address these issues, Infologic conducted research to develop the TechIP™ methodology which may help the advanced manufacturing enterprises to develop an Innovation and Technology plan.

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InnovaTE™ – Innovative Technology Environment

It is widely accepted that there is a high degree of risk moving R&D projects and emerging technologies to commercial products. This results into wasted R&D investments, unmet Product technology needs, and substantial increases in the Product development budget and time to market.

 To address these issues, Infologic has developed TechIP, a technology commercialization methodology for the corporate R&D, Engineering and Manufacturing organizations.

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Methodologies July 11, 2014